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Reroofing Services in Broward & Palm Beach, FL

At Hamilton Bros. Roofing Co., we take pride in our reroofing services, which help homeowners in Broward and Palm Beach, FL, restore the beauty and functionality of their roofs. Over time, roof wear and tear is inevitable. However, with our expertise and experience, we provide a more cost-effective alternative to roof replacement. We lay new roofing shingles or tiles over your existing roof, giving you the beauty and security of a new roof without the cost or hassle of completely removing and replacing your roof.

man replacing a roof

Our Reroofing Process

Once you trust our expert roofers, we begin our meticulous yet efficient process. The job begins with a comprehensive roof inspection. We evaluate your roof’s current state and provide feedback on the best roofing solutions for your home. Our team will then remove the old roof materials and prepare the roof deck for reroofing. We specialize in energy-saving roof coatings and repairs of all types. Whether you’re looking for tile or shingle reroofing, leak repairs, or just a bit of maintenance, we have the tools, skills, and know-how to get the job done right. With more than 30 years of experience, we guarantee quality workmanship for your reroofing needs.

Factors Leading to Reroofing Services

When it comes to maintaining the integrity of your home, knowing when to reroof is crucial. Several factors can indicate the need for reroofing services. Here are some key indicators to watch for:

Age of the Roof

Roofs have a lifespan, and once they've exceeded it, they need to be replaced. You might need our reroofing services if your roof is over 20 years old.

Damage From Severe Weather

Severe weather conditions, such as hurricanes, storms, and heavy winds, can cause significant damage to your roof, which might require reroofing.

Roof Leaks

These are a clear sign of a failing roof. If not addressed promptly, leaks can lead to severe damage inside your home.

Act Now for a Better Roof Tomorrow

Don’t wait until your roof problems escalate. Act now and protect your home with our reliable reroofing services. At the first sign of issues with your roof, we urge you to call us. Our experienced team at Hamilton Bros. Roofing Co. is ready to give your roof a fresh start and secure your home for seasons to come. Call us today, and let’s give your home the protection it deserves.

Hamilton Bros. Roofing Company Protects Your Home and Family